Small Business 50-Point Website Analysis Checklist

Domain Name & Website Functionality
1. Domain name uses keywords? __________
2. Have email addresses on domain? __________
3. Have multiple versions of domain (.com, .org, .net, .biz)? __________
4. Does the site load quickly? __________
5. Does site load properly in all multiple browsers? __________
6. Does the site load quickly on mobile devices? __________
Overall Design
7. Company name clear? __________
8. Logo is linked to the home page? __________
9. Font size and style is appropriate? __________
10. Color schemes match and appropriate? __________
11. Good use of “white space”? __________
12. Adequate use of graphics? __________
13. Any overwhelming distractions – such as flash, animations, or music? ____
14. Is there a need for horizontal scrolling? __________
15. Social media profiles linked? __________
16. Email opt-in form on every page? __________
17. Videos embedded? __________
Website Navigation
18. Easy to navigate? __________
19. Easy to navigate on mobile devices? __________
20. Navigation bar properly positioned and easily seen? __________
21. Links to all main pages? __________
22. Company message and call to action above the fold? __________
23. Company phone number and address (if applicable) visible? __________
24. Addresses the needs and wants of the target audience? __________
25. Addresses how the business can benefit the target audience? __________
26. Fresh content added consistently (for instance, a blog)? __________
27. Free of spelling and grammatical errors? __________
28. Free of industry jargon’s that visitors may not understand? __________
29. Proper keywords used in content? __________
Content Layout
30. Content laid out in short paragraphs so it can be skimmed? __________
31. Bullet points being used? __________
32. Sub-headings being used? __________
33. Call to action on all pages? __________
Contact Us Page
34. Clearly visible? __________
35. More than one contact option? (Phone, Fax, Email, Form, Chat, etc.) _____
36. Company address listed? __________
37. Hours of Operation listed? __________
38. Street map added? __________
39. All information current? __________
40. All “forms” working properly and being delivered? __________
41. Forms available for visitors to request a quote, request a call, etc.? ______
About Us Page
42. Clearly visible? __________
43. Clear description of company? __________
44. Shows owner and employee biographies? __________
45. All information current? __________
46. Social Media profiles linked? __________
Onsite SEO
47. Keyword optimized page title or “title tags”? __________
48. Proper Header Tags? __________
49. Proper keyword placement in content? __________
50. Business address listed on every page? __________
51. City and state used in content? __________